03.08.2006: New delivery service, last Tango vacancies

1. New delivery service for the complete Descarga catalogue
2. Tango in Italy Autumn 2006 almost booked out
3. Info for customers with AOL-mail address

1. New delivery service for the complete Descarga catalogue
If I can think of one supplier of Latin American music on the world market I truly respect, it would be Bruce Polin with his Descarga catalogue. For years now, Bruce has had a similar aim concerning mainly the genres Latin and Latin Jazz that we try to achieve with the genre Tango: He strives to offer an extensive catalogue of high quality music to his customer, and he is not afraid of including the smallest suppliers of top quality products, which are different from Latin mainstream.

I do not see Descarga as a competition but as another serious and respectable supplier, who is not mainly interested in the money but in the product itself. Descarga makes you feel that the people selling the music are really into the music.

Below, there is the link to Descarga. Disadvantage: the supplier is located in the USA, transportation costs are high, and you have to pay import tax. Now, we have made a deal with Bruce and we can get any article Descarga offers. Let me say right away - the CDs will not be exactly cheap. It is merely an additional service for you. The rule of thumb could be: a CD Descarga offers for 18.- USD can be delivered by us for about 23.- Euro at the moment. If you are interested in this new service, please have a look at the Descarga treasure chambers:


If you want to order a CD or DVD by Descarga, please order per email through us. In this case please make sure that we know all the relevant customer data and that you have an account in our webshop with up to date payment conditions.

2. Tango in Italy Autumn 2006 almost booked out
Please hurry up if you wish to dance Tango in Umbria this autumn. There are only a few vacancies for the courses indicated on our websites!!! More information:

Italy Tango Travel

3. Info for customers with AOL-mail address
In case you have a mail address at AOL, please note that we had to realize that there are irregularities concerning the reception of our newsmails. We only send newsmails to customers who are interested in them, and we have tried various times to contact AOL in order to get information about their criteria for the acceptance of mailings. Our result is: If you want to receive your mail from us, you should better look for a different mail supplier.

Many regards from Hamburg
Matthias from the DyM team

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Realisierung: Silvan Rehberger, youngbrain GmbH