Tango by Danza y Movimiento

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Firpo, Roberto

Calor de hogar

Genre: Tango: Tango
Label: DYM Code: dz020287
EAN: 4024236202874
Detailed track info and comments below
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Calor de hogar
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Bailemos, pebeta - 02:44


Detailed information on the titles

1 - Calor de hogar

Roberto Firpo

Duration: 02:43
Genre: Tango
Composer: Eugenio Carrere
Author: Jesús Fernández Blanco
Publisher: n/a
Record year: 1930
Country: DE
ISRC: DEN721305451

2 - La reina del momo

Roberto Firpo

Duration: 02:41
Genre: Foxtrot
Composer: Raul Courau
Publisher: n/a
Record year: 1930
Country: DE
ISRC: DEN721305452

3 - Violines gitanos

Roberto Firpo

Duration: 02:52
Genre: Tango
Composer: Enrique Maciel
Author: Hector Pedro Blomberg
Publisher: n/a
Record year: 1930
Country: DE
ISRC: DEN721305453

4 - Usted me quiere?

Roberto Firpo

Duration: 03:00
Genre: Foxtrot
Composer: n.a.
Publisher: n/a
Record year: 1930
Country: DE
ISRC: DEN721305454

5 - Verdad que no te iras?

Roberto Firpo con Carlos Varela

Duration: 02:53
Genre: Tango
Composer: n.a.
Author: n.a.
Publisher: n/a
Record year: 19300521
Country: DE
ISRC: DEN721305455

6 - Bailemos, pebeta

Roberto Firpo con Carlos Varela

Duration: 02:44
Genre: Tango
Composer: Armando Acquarone
Author: Armando Acquarone
Publisher: n/a
Record year: 1930
Country: DE
ISRC: DEN721305456

7 - El altar de los claveles

Roberto Firpo

Duration: 03:38
Genre: Pasodoble
Composer: n.a.
Publisher: n/a
Record year: 1930
Country: DE
ISRC: DEN721305457

8 - No la contes grande

Roberto Firpo

Duration: 02:41
Genre: Tango
Composer: Luis Visca
Author: Jose Rial
Publisher: n/a
Record year: 1930
Country: DE
ISRC: DEN721305458



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