Addy, Mustapha Tettey

Smart Boys

Genre: Percussion
Label: Weltwunder Duration: 56 min.
Code: ww000117

Smart Boys


Detailed information on the titles

1 - oblogo lamptey
mustapha tettey addy

2 - we don't know, god knows
mustapha tettey addy

3 - shake your body
mustapha tettey addy

4 - i want to say i love you
mustapha tettey addy

5 - ekulele duame
mustapha tettey addy

6 - negba negba
mustapha tettey addy

7 - if you don't work, don't eat
mustapha tettey addy

8 - come let's dance
mustapha tettey addy

9 - oblogo lamptey (Remix)
mustapha tettey addy



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