New York Sextet, The

The New York Sextet

Genre: Salsa
Label: Exclusivo Records Laufzeit: 49 min.
Code: exc006032

The New York Sextet


Detailinfos zu den Titeln

1 - espiritualmente
the new york sextet

2 - corazon de araña negra
the new york sextet

3 - vestida de blanco
the new york sextet

4 - tostao y colao
the new york sextet

5 - la carcel
the new york sextet

6 - a puerto rico
the new york sextet

7 - tata la baba
the new york sextet

8 - negro
the new york sextet

9 - la ley
the new york sextet

10 - hermanos con salsa
the new york sextet



  Review : Djstone

The vibes creating a salsa groove, with a different saus, smooth.

Djstone, 20060314

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